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Skin Maintenance Treatments

Acne Treatments

Acne treatments are a great way to help you combat oily skin and troublesome breakouts. We combine a deep pore cleansing treatment with a light glycolic peel followed by diamond microdermabrasion, extractions and a customized skin-care regimen to promote moisture balance and blemish-free skin.

Common acne (or acne vulgaris in medical terminology) is the single most troublesome medical skin condition for preteens and young adults. Fortunately, we have developed safe, effective and very successful treatment programs for thousands of patients who suffer from mild to severe acne.

Acne problems can begin as early as age 9 or 10, but typically show up during puberty when hormones begin to surge. Nearly 85% of those aged 14 to 24 deal with some level of acne, even if it is only the occasional “zit” that shows up the day before a date or a job interview. We specialize in treating adult hormonal acne which troubles many adult women.

If your acne problems are becoming severe, or if over-the-counter products do not help, we recommend you visit us for a specific, detailed acne program to prevent long term skin problems such as scarring or facial discoloration.

We have found that the absolute best way to treat acne is to create an acne program specific to your needs, depending on the level of severity and your lifestyle. Whether you are a student-athlete that plays sports in the sun or a busy working parent with very little time for yourself, we will design a personalized treatment program that will work with you and for you so that you can have the best results.

Treatment Steps
Acne Treatment

Step 1

Glycolic or Salicylic Acid Peel – Accelerates the removal of dead outer layers of skin and leaves your skin soft and smooth.

Step 2

Diamond microdermabrasion – Exfoliates skin to help improve the appearance and the circulation and gives the skin a healthy glow. Unclogs pores of blackheads and whiteheads.

Step 3

Acne Extractions – Removes excess acne sebum.

Once a month is recommended. The skin cells take about 28 days to reach the surface, so once a month it is beneficial to deep cleanse and remove impurities from the pores. Your dermatologist can recommend the proper skin-care agenda as well as help you maintain your skin’s well-being.

There are many benefits to regular facials: Clearer skin is a natural result of professional exfoliating on a regular basis, and smoother, more moist and supple skin is a result of the professional massage that may be included in your facial. As you keep regular appointments, your provider will learn the cyclical changes that occur with your skin and will offer the best products for you to use.

Acne outbreaks are caused by the four “trigger factors”: excess oil, pore-clogging dead skin cells, acne bacteria and inflammation. Hormones prompt your oil glands to produce excess oil, provoking the skin cells in your pores to rapidly shed. When the pore becomes clogged by trapped oil and dead skin cells it creates a perfect breeding ground for irritating acne bacteria. As your skin tries to deal with the bacteria, it becomes inflamed, eventually causing a full-blown breakout.

Our skin care line offers toning pads that are different than most. Our toning pads are designed to complete the cleansing process and keep the acne away, but it also prepares the skin to accept all of our other products such as creams, serums etc.

We recommend that you exfoliate your skin 1 to 2 times a week. Our Green Tea Scrub gently buffs away dulling surface flakes, unclogs pores and smooths out skin as it exfoliates. It does not matter whether you exfoliate morning or night, but be sure to cleanse and tone your skin first as exfoliators are not cleansers.

Usually it is due to either telangiectasia (broken capillaries) Rosacea, or both. This is a condition that should only be diagnosed by a physician.

The Acne Gel is a great way to spot treat an occasional acne breakout. Of course, a monthly acne treatment with the right skin-care regimen can help keep those occasional breakouts away.  We also offer small amounts of injected steroid to take down the swelling around that resistant pimple right before important events.

Our Skincare Regimen

We have crafted a specialized formula for all of our skincare products. We offer the best solution to any skincare issue you may have.

Skin Checks and Screening

Be sure to see your dermatologist regularly for skin check-ups.

The AAD recommends a skin check once a year but for high risk patients we recommend it anywhere from every six months to as frequent as every three months.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the most common cancer in the world is skin cancer. There is more than one type of skin cancer, however, some of which are more dangerous or more easily treated than others. The most common types of skin cancers are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.

Because skin cancers come in all shapes, sizes and colors, it is important to see a dermatologist at the first sign of unusual changes in the skin. Cancer may present itself as a rash, a sore, a scaly patch of skin, a scar with a waxy texture, a growth beneath the skin or even a pimple that doesn’t seem to go away. It is also common for skin cancer to have an appearance similar to a mole or to start within a mole.

Skin cancer often occurs in areas of the skin that have been damaged by the sun, radiation or chemical exposure, although they may occur anywhere on the body – including in the mouth. Fortunately, there are many highly effective treatments for skin cancer, including surgical removal of the cancer, topical treatment, cryosurgery, immunotherapy and photodynamic therapy. In some cases, radiation and chemotherapy are necessary to treat advanced skin cancers.

Rashes and Warts

Rashes and Warts

Finding a rash on your skin or child can be quite distressing, especially if you don’t know the cause of the irritation. If you’ve never experienced a rash before or if you’ve never seen the type of inflammation you are currently experiencing, self-diagnosis is not recommended. Even though most rashes are not dangerous, expert medical diagnosis is recommended for all unknown skin irritants to safely determine the cause and proper treatment of your rash.

The treatment of skin rashes must be individualized. Facial skin is more delicate and more visible than some body skin. Baby skin is far more fragile than adolescent skin, and must be treated so as not to damage the dermis (deeper) layer of skin.

Rash Treatment

Rashes and skin irritations are caused by many different factors including illness, allergies, insect bites and even heredity. Rest assured that there is a medical treatment for almost every type of rash and skin irritation. During your visit we will examine your rash and obtain a complete medical history. In most cases, rash treatment will consist of a prescription for a topical medical cream to reduce inflammation or physician strength skin care products. In some cases, laser or chemical treatments might be necessary. In rare cases, we may need to take a tissue sample to determine the exact cause and extent of the rash. Once a determination is made, we will explain your options to you in detail. In most cases, with proper medical treatment, skin irritations will clear up in a reasonable time period.


Warts are benign (not cancerous) skin growths that appear when a virus infects the top layer of the skin. You are more likely to get one of these viruses if you cut or damage your skin in some way. Wart viruses are contagious. Warts can spread by contact with the wart or something that touched the wart. Warts can grow on any part of your body and can be treated by our experienced providers and we can send you home with a written treatment plan that works best for you.

Types of Warts

Warts are generally harmless. However, warts can be unattractive and embarrassing, and sometimes they itch or are painful (particularly on the feet).

Different types of warts:

  • Common warts usually appear on the hands, but can appear anywhere on the body.
  • Flat warts are generally found on the face and forehead.
  • Genital warts (also known as condyloma) are commonly found on the genitals.
  • Plantar warts are found on the soles of the feet.
  • Subungual and periungual warts appear under and around the fingernails.

Treatment of Warts

Some warts will disappear without treatment, although it can sometimes take a couple of years. Treated or not, warts that go away often reappear. All warts can spread from one part of your body to another. Warts around and under your nails are much more difficult to treat than warts in other places.

  • Using a home treatment such as salicylic acid. You can get these without a prescription.
  • Prescription creams to boost your body’s immune system against the virus.
  • Freezing the wart in office (cryotherapy).

We Have The Solution For Any Of Your Beauty Needs.

Let the expert team led by Dr. Liu at Newport Coast Dermatology find the best treatment customized exactly for you.


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